Friday 16 December 2016

Two New Additions

One thing that is nice about the world of Warhammer 40,000 is the customisation. The fact that GW fully encourage and endorse people to kit-bash and create models is great. It was this that drew me back into the world after a decade and a half.  As an artist I like to create my own things, so I find it hard to stick to paint schemes and paint by numbers. If I see cool miniatures I like to find some way to include them in my force and make them fit with the rest of the army.

This leads me onto Blazer and Mustang. Two mercenary types that my dad ordered from a second hand miniatures dealer back in the mid 90's.  Cash was exchanged for miniatures in the car park of a Little Chef at the late hours of night.  Very exciting and also unnecessarily seedy.  I found them while clearing out a box of things and decided that I had to make them fit into my cult. Their range and sculptor is unknown but they are brilliant little figures.

They clearly are not cultists or even infected, which led me to wonder why they are in cahoots with the cult in the first place.  This led me to write the fluff below.

Blood Money

Gritting his teeth Blazer launched his fist forward at the creepy bald headed miner in front of him. He didn't take insults lightly, especially from such a lowly scum. Mustang placed his large coarse hand upon the veteran's shoulder. "Come now boy, chill. The Commissar needs this to go down well," said the rotund giant. Feeling his comrade relax, Mustang released his grip and pointed his stubby finger at the one remaining miner. "You see here little man, we've traveled a long way to meet with you lot and me and my pal here don't like to be talked down to. We've seen more wars than you've seen dark tunnels." Shaking, the pallid miner led the two mercenaries down the deep tunnel network. Gradually as they descended they learnt that their commissars assumptions had been right. This was no normal mining operation. It was an alien occupation. Entering the central chamber Blazer let out a cry of terror. On the balconies above them were a dozen horrors. Humanoid in form but with glimmering white flesh that possessed an extra set of menacing arms. He had heard stories of tyranids but even the orks he had fought didn't compare to the terrors above. "Sorry for my associates reaction friend, he isn't used to dealing with your kind," bellowed Mustang addressing at the most prominent figure in the balcony. "He is forgiven," spoke the robed bald figure down to the soldiers. "Now to more pressing matters. We have approached your superior to help aid us in our off world conflicts. Even in these uncharted systems outside the reach of the imperium, we have attracted unwanted attention. The Tau and even the Imperium's Astartes have been giving us trouble." "You said nothing about Astartes!" Choked out Blazer glaring at the monster before him. Beads of sweat running down his dark skin. "We feel the extra compensation will be adequate. For every Astartes you managed to silence you will be rewarded handsomely. We have a vast amount of men at your disposal, in order to rid our system of these less accepting forces." Before Blazer could continue with his disapproval, a hulking beast bound by chains entered the chamber. With two of its mighty arms it wheeled in a large crate. "Alright... we will take this as planned, but the Astartes are your problem!" Said the younger veteran before swiftly helping Mustang wheel out the container. Mustang had seen his fitter and more capable comrade take down a green skin with nothing but a knife. They both had fought against their own kind, been chased across system after system by the Imperium but he had never seen Blazer so terrified. He contemplated ordering a bombardment and making a run for it. Before he could carry on with his escape plan, there was a ping on his data slate. His eyes widened. Never before had he seen so many digits in his life. Maybe these freaks weren't so bad after all.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Recon Mission in a New World

The painted members of the cult so far.
The games of kill team continue.  The Brothers lost against a team of Squats but managed to kill their warlord and their specialists.  For a group of miners I think they have done pretty well for themselves.  The Tau I have beaten have been shades of purple, bronze and pink so I have given my new chaos cultists recruits the same shades of weaponry.  I am pretty sure the skin masks are the remains of the squats too.
3 of my new painted Cult and a kitbashed squat cultist.

I also finally finished painting Janet's model. She was going to be for my SoB army, but she looks kind of demented. She is now a magus for my cult as I don't have an actual model. The figure is from the latest Raging Heroes Kickstarter.  To go with her I also converted three of my daemonettes to be other cultist women.  When I get more spares I will change up their arms for more genestealery ones rather than chaos claws.  

Now I know female models are sometimes a bit of a taboo thing. I have read a few instances of people saying that women wouldn't battle in the cult, they would just be used as breeding machines. Well I don't entirely agree as they would convert anyone that could be of use.  What if women are infertile or simply were better put to use for other things.  Would a capable woman in the military suddenly be taken away from her duties. What about those in other important roles?  In truth it doesn't matter either way and I don't really care.  I understand orks and marines reasons for not having women, but I do hate the whole universe being mainly men.  Its all too big of a sausage-fest so I am throwing a few women into my cult, even if they are demented and scantily clad.

Below is a brief fluff from the cult. For now I am going to retire them to normal work for a while until I get enough models to play a bigger game.

From the logs of Foreman Hogarth Jones.

Today we woke up raring to go. The ones in the deep have started trying to harness the new Tau tech we acquired, and the golds already selling fast. We finally have a legitimate business that's actually creating revenue (It's only taken 4 generations!).

I'm pretty sure the Old One's on his way out. He is smelling awfully strange and his message is getting fainter. I told the boys not to worry. I'm sure it's all part of the great ones plans.

Janet informed us from the top of her tower that she had been having visions of compact humans in the world across the sector. Confused by her message but incredibly curious, I sent Gus and Big Troy out on a recon mission.

When the boys turned up they said a pack of Space Wolves had torn apart most of these strange, short, fat men.  I don't understand how wolves came from space but I guess anything is possible these days. Big Troy tore the head off of their leader and ran his trophy back home. Meanwhile Gus abducted two more leaving the remaining men for dead. He says that weakness doesn't belong in the cult. I don't think cowardice does either, but who is going to argue with a 10ft tall 800lbs giant?

Despite losing twelve men, we now have the cooperation of two new Squat allies and the blood of an ancient and curious warlord in the Patriarchs hands. It is strange how when people meet with the Patriarch they seem to just understand. I was born into the mine business and I am proud to be the foreman here. I have been recognised by the Old One. Maybe one day the Bright Great Ones will recognise me too.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Gold, Snacks and Success!

Welcome to the Brothers of the Star Blessed. Today I started playing my fresh genestealer cult army, consisting of 18 neophyte hybrids (8 kit based and 10 from the boxed set) and 4 aberants. Thankfully I managed to snag 4 aberants on ebay before the cult was released.  £7 seemed like a good deal for some DnD ogres but now they have a better use!

My aberants.

Currently I cannot field the cult in an actual game, therefore Kill Team is the way to go. As they are very small and underdog. I thought I would sum up the recent sessions in the mining foreman's log below.

Hogarth Jones- Foreman of the mining operations. 4th generation.

From the logs of Forman Hogarth Jones. Today's been a good day for the mining team. Billy found a new vein of Gold in the southern mines and Janus has come up with the best lunch snack: smoked tunnel rat stapled with card. Who would have thought stapling card to the rat's juicy frame was a good idea? It keeps you safe from touching it with your poisoned hands though. Well one things for sure, he will be remembered for his efforts.

In other news the great one has spoke to us again. I crawled down into the depths of the facility to see him. He said that we needed to collect parts for more weaponry. I don't know where he gets his information from, but I guess he is the great granddaddy of us all. Pa used to call him the overlord. Thankfully Janet came back with some information about a Tau scouting party. She really hasn't been right since she met with the old one. Me and the boys went straight there. I loaded up the new Webber (plated in gold I might add) and the guys got their equipment.

A painting of Janet the Cults soon-to-be Magus
It was a total bloodbath. Everyone died, even Billy and Janus. Still it isn't all bad we got the tech, and now Billy and the boys will go to meet the great ones in the void. I'm glad Gus was with me as he loaded up on tech and helped me carry it back. Janet apparently had much more success. She took a tower on the outskirts of the city. She said shes going to renovate it and make it into some kind of business. Apparently Big Troy smashed a whole unit of Tau on his own. I don't know why he can't work that hard in the mines. Twice the size of a normal man and as strong as an ox, but does he ever lift a finger? Maybe the life of a stockbroker would suit him more... Ah well it is over now. A hard day's work, but now I can rest up for the night, knowing that we are one step closer to meeting our creators.